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Found 11091 results for any of the keywords vice national commodore. Time 0.037 seconds.
USCGAUX: Meet Patrick Feighery, Vice National CommodoreCommodore Pat Feighery joined the Coast Guard Auxiliary in June of 2001 in Boca Raton, Florida, District 7. He held several Flotilla, Division, and District Staff Positions and also served in all elected positions up to
USCGAUX: Meet Mary Kirkwood, National CommodoreCommodore Mary Kirkwood resides in northern California and joined the Auxiliary in 2002, following the tragic events of 9-11. She served most recently as Vice National Commodore before assuming the office of National Com
USCGAUX: Deputy National CommodoresThe Auxiliary has four Deputy National Commodores (DNACO) who report to the Vice National Commodore. Three are elected, and one is appointed (*).
USCGAUX: Senior LeadershipThe United States Coast Guard Auxiliary – the best trained most valued maritime volunteer organization in the world – highly effective during normal operations and ready for emergencies.
Welcome to the National Association of CommodoresCommodore Robert Shafer, President
Welcome to the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Official Web portalThe links below provide short descriptions of each course.
USCGAUX: About The AuxiliaryEstablished by Congress in 1939 under title 14, §§ 23 of the U.S. Code, the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is Semper Paratus(Always Ready). We invite you to explore our site and learn more about who we are and
Welcome to the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Official Web PortalU.S. Coast Guard U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Auxiliary Staff Forms WarehouseThe PDF Forms page contains the most recently released versions of Auxiliary forms as PDF files. They may be printed and completed on paper , filled out on your computer and then printed out, or even attached to an e
USCGAUX: Organizational UnitsTo locate the Auxiliary Flotillas that are closest to a given location, enter the ZIP Code for that location and indicate how many Flotillas you would like to retrieve. Don't know the ZIP Code? Check the Postal Servi
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